Tuesday, August 27, 2013

India makes game-changing commitment to green energy

India is known for a lot of things – a dense population, an economy on the rise – but green energy certainly hasn’t been one. That all changed last week, when the electricity regulatory committee in Maharashtra (MERC), India's most industrialized state, ordered 93 separate companies to reach renewable power obligations (RPOs) by March, 2014. This mandate pertains to both government distribution companies as well as private consumers.

Companies that fail to comply will be fined 13.40 RS per unit, the highest penalty the state has ever threatened to levy. Maharashtra and Punjab, another one of the country's wealthier areas, are the only two states in India really pushing green energy.

Until now, India hasn’t made much progress on that front, mainly because their government has failed to enforce energy and environmental laws. In April, a report published by Greenpeace found that 22 of India’s 29 states failed reach their RPO goals. Maharashtra was one of the worst offenders.

"This announcement is a fundamental game-changer for the Indian solar industry," says Ameet Shah, co-chairman of Astonfield Renewables, a solar company vying for more work in India. "RPOs are essential to installing more power, alleviating shortages, and helping our economy run at full speed. Maharashtra, making such a big policy move towards enforcement confirms explicitly that non-compliance will not be tolerated any longer."

But is solar the answer? That technology has been around for decades now – plenty of time to prove itself on the global market. Solar simply hasn’t been able to provide enough power for large areas. It fails on cloudy days. Requires expensive instillation. Needs to be maintained regularly. Solar literally comes with a laundry list of problems.

Maybe solar isn’t the answer. That’s OK. The findings in India are “a significant step," claims Greenpeace campaigner Abhishek Pratap. “But it's going to be difficult for the [government] to impose such fines. Many [companies] are in very poor financial condition, so it's probably better to make the private entities pay up first."

Pratap goes on to blame regulatory boards for having limited the powers of local law enforcement. "The question is: who will regulate the regulators? We need a revamp of all electricity laws to give electricity regulatory boards more power." Sounds like they need to tear down the past and start from scratch.

NRGLab and other green energy groups are praying that Maharashtra’s initiative in India serves as a game-changing precedent. For far too long, governments have relied on incentivizing people. Perhaps it’s time to inflict a little punishment. Some “tough love.”

NRGLab believes there’s an easier – less painful – solution. With energy breakthroughs like the SH-Box – a carbon-free electrical generator that’s also portable – and the SV-Turbine – a device used in the gasification of agricultural byproduct into useable fuel, our company is dedicated to solving the energy problems of tomorrow, today.

For more information on NRGLab, visit nrglab.asia. And be sure to follow me for more news and updates. 

[ green energy, Maharashtra, MERC, renewable power, Punjab, Ameet Shah, Astonfield Renewables, Abhishek Pratap, sh-box, nrglab, nrglab singapore, nrglab pte ltd ]

Monday, August 26, 2013

Pentingnya Energi Terbarukan

Alex K.

Hai, nama saya Alex dan saya seorang insinyur yang bekerja dalam Dewan Riset NRGLab. Saya telah bekerja dengan teknologi computer CAD-CAM selama 15 tahun untuk membantu para insinyur lain mencapai spesifikasi yang tepat dan mendetail dari rancangan-rancangan mereka. SH-box NRGLab akan mengubah dunia, dan saya akan beritahu mengapa SH-box merupakan sumber energi terbarukan.

     Sewaktu bekerja dengan model-model komputer, orang kerap menggunakan data tafsiran untuk memprediksi tren masa depan dan kecendengurang-kecenderungannya.  Seharusnya dunia pun dilihat dengan cara demikian. Dengan menganalisis informasi tentang masa kini, kita akan mampu membuat penyesuaian-penyesuaian yang berakar dari tradisi praindustri dan mengoptimalkan masa depan kita. Tidak melarikan diri dari kenyataan tidak mengenakkan yang saat ini kita hadapi: secara perlahan dunia menjadi sekarat. Populasi tumbuh terlalu cepat. Konsumsi BBM meningkat di luar kendali. Sudah waktunya kita menerapkan apa yang kita ketahui tentang lingkungan kita untuk mencegah sebuah akhir tidak menyenangkan yang tak bisa dihindari – seperti yang terlihat saat ini.

            Solusinya adalah energi terbarukan. Sumber-sumber energi terbarukan mendemokrasikan energi dan memungkinkan informasi, stabilitas, dan perdamaian untuk berkembang. Berbagai negara diseluruh penjuru dunia saat ini diadu melawan satu sama lainnya dalam upaya untuk mengendalikan cadangan sumber daya alam yang terbatas. Minyak bumi, baru bara, gas alam. Menghapus insentif dan kita bisa melihat akhir sebuah perang.

            Ketergantungan kita terhadap minyak dan gas saat ini memang baik untuk tahun 1900an. Namun minyak sudah mulai habis sekarang, dan  beberapa kendaraan hibrida di jalanan tidak akan bisa mengimbangi emisi karbon yang terus dipompakan ke atmosfer kita. Kerusakan sudah terjadi. Untungnya, perubahan akan segera datang.

            Namun, perubahan besar membutuhkan cara berpikir yang terbuka. Pertama, kita harus bisa membayangkan dunia tanpa SPBU atau PLT Batu Bara sebagai dunia yang nyata.  Kita membutuhkan teknologi baru yang bisa langsung disambungkan ke jaringan listrik, dan memberikan bantuan langsung bagi jutaan rumah tangga yang berjuang untuk kebutuhan hidup mereka. Sebaiknya kita bersama-sama mengambil sikap menentang infrastruktur energi yang sudah ada.  Energi, sama seperti udara yang kita hirup, tidak seharusnya diperlakukan seperti sebuah komoditas yang diberi label harga. Sebaliknya, harus disikapi sebagai sebuah kesempatan bagi orang-orang untuk belajar, berkomunikasi, dan merasa sedikit lebih aman di malam hari. Energi adalah power. Dan di NRGLab, tujuan kami adalah memberikan power itu kembali ke rakyat.

Ingin mengambil bagian dari solusi energi? tertarik untuk menjadi bagian dari tim NRGLab? Anda dapat mencari tahu lebih lanjut bagaimana cara bergabung ke Dewan Riset di sini: https://www.box.com/ResearchCouncilNRGLab

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 21 Agustus: http://annie65j.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-importance-of-renewable-energy.html

[ Pentingnya Energi , nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab singapore, nrglab сингапур, annie j, energy project, proyek nrglab, pemanasan global, renewable energy ]

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Importance of Renewable Energy

By Alex K

Hi, my name is Alex, and I’m an engineer involved with NRGLab’s Research Council. For over 15 years, I’ve worked with CAD-CAM computer technology helping other engineers achieve the exact, detailed specifications of their designs. NRGLab’s SH-box is going to change the world, and I’ll tell you why: it’s a source of renewable energy.

            When working with computer models, one often uses interpreted data to predict future trends and tendencies. The world should be viewed the same way. By analyzing information about our present, we are able to make adjustments to systems rooted in pre-industrial traditions and optimize our future. There’s no escaping the harsh truth currently facing us: the world is slowly dying. Populations are growing too rapidly. Fuel consumption has escalated out of control. It’s time we applied what we know about our environment to prevent, what seems at the moment, to be an inevitably unhappy ending.

            The solution is renewable energy. Renewable sources democratize energy and allow information, technology, stability, and peace to thrive. Countries all across the world are currently pitted against one another in a struggle for control of a limited supply of natural resources. Oil, coal, natural gas. Eliminate the incentive, and we may see an end to war.

            Our current dependency on oil and gas was fine for the 1900s. But now the oil is running out, and a few more hybrid cars on the road won’t offset the carbon emissions being pumped into our atmosphere. The damage has been done. Luckily, change is on the way.

            But big change requires an open mind. First, we need to be able to imagine a world without gas stations or coal-burning power plants in order to make that world a reality. We need new technology that, in one foul swoop, can be plugged-in to current grids, providing immediate relief to millions of households struggling to make ends meet. We need to come together in order to take a stand against the established energy infrastructure. Energy, like the air we breathe, shouldn’t be treated like a commodity with a price tag attached. It should be treated as an opportunity for people to learn, communicate, and feel a little bit safer at night. Energy is power. And at NRGLab, our goal is to give that power back to the people. 

            Want to be a part of the energy solution? Interested in becoming part of the NRGLab team? You can learn more about how to join the Research Council here: https://www.box.com/ResearchCouncilNRGLab

renewable energy, research council nrglab, green energy, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab сингапур, nrglab singapore, nrglab, annie j ]

Monday, August 19, 2013

Are we too comfortable with chemicals?

Chemicals are a part of everyday life for most people (even if you may not be aware of it). Farmers use chemicals to protect their crops – crops that end up on your dinner plate. People use chemicals to keep their lawns green. Their pools crystal clear. But with chemical issues like fracking becoming more prevalent in the news these days, we have to ask: what effect are they having on our environment? And can we even make an educated guess?

Fracking is the latest craze in the energy industry. A cocktail of highly pressurized water and chemicals is pumped into the ground, into shale, in order to break up sedimentary rock and access deposits of precious natural gas. 

Environmental advocates and scientists alike are growing concerned with exactly what chemicals these companies are using. The problem, though, is that these chemicals are protected under intellectual copyright laws. So even if they might be contaminating our rivers and water wells, billion dollar companies (which can afford to settle out of court for “damages”) will continue to open new fracking operations. From the United States to Russia – fracking is a global threat that isn’t going anyway anytime soon.

Experimental fieldwork on ecosystems, as well as broad analyzes of chemical and biological samples, helps scientists understand the long-term effects of chemicals on humans and animals.

"Although there are many indications of animal populations and ecosystems changing because of pesticides, there are few studies proving the connection without a doubt," claim environmental researchers Rita Triebskorn and Heinz Kohler. "The links to the effect of pesticides at every level of increasing biological complexity require more thorough research."

Triebskorn and Kohler predict that, over time, the introduction of chemicals into our environment will alter natural selection, spread disease, inhibit sexual reproduction, and even wipe out entire species of animals!
What can we do about it?

First, we need to start compiling more data so we can understand the full scope of the problem. Algorithms and experimental practices can both help uncover more instances of environmental degradation due to chemicals and pesticides.

This information isn’t just for farmers, either! Remember – what they grow, you’ll ultimately consume. You’ll go swimming in that water. You’ll go running barefoot on that lawn. Chemicals are everywhere!

We can cut down on our chemical dependence, however, by moving away from potentially hazardous practices like fracking and focus on sustainable, clean, all-natural alternatives. NRGLab has a number of such alternatives in development. From a carbon-free, polycrystalline electrical generator to innovative gasification techniques and technology, NRGLab wants to protect the planet and ensure a greener future for millions of people around the world.

So ask yourself: are you too comfortable with chemicals?

If the answer is “yes,” consider joining NRGLab in the green energy revolution. Visit our website at nrglab.asia, and follow us on Facebook for updates. 

[ energy industry, Rita Triebskorn, Heinz Kohler, nrglab, nrglab singapore, nrglab сингапур, nrglab pte ltd, ana shell ]

Sunday, August 18, 2013





然而,197343日,库帕漫步在曼哈顿的街头,拨通了他的竞争对手——贝尔实验室CEO的电话。通话是短暂的,却标志着手机革命的开始。不到半世纪之后,我们已经拿着库帕的电话,还找到添加摄像头、日历、音乐播放器、视频游戏系统的方法。我们生活在一个无线联通的时代。一个即时新闻、 Tweet和标签的时代。这一切都始于一个愿意为可能的愿景孤注一掷的人。


作者Alex K


[ 全球变暖, 政府, 能源消耗, 新技术, nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab сингапур, nrglab singapore, NRGLab 项目, NRGLab推出的SH-box, annie j, sh-box ]

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Menghemat Biaya dan Konsumsi Energi dengan 10 Langkah Mudah

Anda tidak perlu mengambil langkah-langkah drastis untuk beradaptasi dengan krisis energi dan iklim. Dengan mengikuti 10 langkah-langkah sederhana berikut ini, sudah pasti Anda bisa memangkas sekaligus tagihan energi bulanan dan jejak karbon Anda!

Dijamin Anda juga tidak perlu memasang panel surya yang mahal dalam hal ini. Yang diperlukan hanyalah, luangkan sedikit waktu Anda, berjalan di sekeliling rumah, dan pertimbangkan hal-hal berikut:

Atur thermostat di rumah Anda hingga mencapai kira-kira 25°C. Ini hanya membutuhkan sedikit energi, tapi merupakan suhu yang nyaman dan pastinya menghemat banyak uang sepanjang bulan-bulan musing panas yang panjang dan gerah. 

Jika Anda menjalankan AC, pastikan semua pintu dan jendela tertutup. Orang bilang, kalau kita tidak dibuang-buang, pastinya kita akan selalu cukup. 

Pastikan juga kalau ventilasi udara tidak ditutup. Seringkali (karena percaya feng shui),  tanpa sadar orang sering menempatkan mebel  di balik ventilasi AC. Ini pastinya membatasi  aliran udara dingin di seluruh rumah, memaksa Anda menjalankan AC lebih lama.

Kesalahan umum dekorasi lain: pastikan TV, lampu, dan peralatan yang perlu dipanaskan diletakkan jauh dari dari thermostat. Karena alat-alat ini cenderung mengelabui AC dengan terasa lebih panas daripada yang sebenarnya.

Tahukan Anda kalau pemanas air pada umumnya merupakan pengeluaran energi ketiga terbesar?  Menurunkan beberapa derajat suhunya akan membantu Anda menghemat uang secara konsisten dari bulan ke bulan.

Mencuci baju dengan air dingin, bukan air panas akan menghemat ratusan dolar dalam setahun.  Juga, memasukkan handuk kering dalam pengering pakaian setiap kali Anda memasukkan pakaian basah yang baru selesai dicuci akan mengurangi waktu pengeringan karena handuk menyerap kelembapan.  Ini artinya menjalankan pengering pakaian lebih sebentar. Menggunakan lebih sedikit air. Lebih sedikit energi. 

Makanan siap saji yang hanya perlu dipanaskan dengan microwave – tidak selamanya buruk! Oven microwave menggunakan hanya separuh dari energi yang digunakan oleh microwave versi lama. Jadi jangan merasa tidak enak kalau lain kali Anda hanya perlu memasak makan malam selama 5 menit. Rasanya seperti Anda bertanggung jawab.

Vacuum kulkas Anda? Saya akui, kedengarannya tidak masuk akal. Tapi ketika kotoran dan debu menumpuk di kumparan kulkas Anda, kulkas akan bekerja dua kali lebih keras untuk menjaga agar makanan tetap dingin.  

Apabila Anda tidak menyeduh kopi, main video game, atau menonton TV untuk sementara waktu – cabut stop kontak peralatan-peralatan itu!  Yang mengherankan, banyak  alat-alat elektronik tetap memakan energi  sekalipun dalam keadaan mati.

Anda punya loteng?  Ruang bawah tanah?  Bahkan, ruang kecil? Periksa insulasi secara teratur untuk memastikan kalau insulasinya tetap kering.  Ketika kelembapan merembes, bakalan mempengaruhi efektivitas insulasi.  Udara dingin keluar selama musim panas dan masuk selama musim dingin, membuatnya sulit untuk tetap hangat atau dingin (tergantung musim).

Baiklah, Anda sudah punya semua tipnya. 10 langkah mudah untuk menghemat biaya dan konsumsi energi. Dan ingat, ketika berbicara tentang pemanasan global – kita berada di pihak yang sama.  Jadi, luangkan waktu dan pastikan Anda juga pengguna energi yang efisien sesegera mungkin. Bagikan dengan teman Anda. Buatlah perbedaan.

Seperti yang pernah Gandhi ucapkan, “Apabila kita bisa mengubah diri kita sendiri, dunia pun akan cenderung berubah.  Manusia mengubah lingkungannya sendiri, karena itulah sikap dunia terhadap manusia pun akan berubah.  Kita tidak perlu menunggu apa yang orang lain lakukan.”

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 28 Juli http://annie65j.blogspot.com/2013/07/cut-costs-and-energy-consumption-in-10.html

konsumsi energi, research council nrglab, research council, proyek nrglab, pemanasan global, NRGLab推出的SH-box, nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab singapore, nrglab сингапур ]

Monday, August 12, 2013

Energy questions from a new friend

When people find out I work in green energy technology, I’m immediately bombarded with questions. “How can I cut down on my utility bills?” is the one I get the most. Well, the other day, I made a new friend. We went out for lunch and got a chance to know one another better. Turns out, she and her husband are looking to buy a new house, and they’re concerned with energy efficiency and being “eco-friendly,” as she put it.

Here a couple of questions she asked:

What are some specific warning flags to look out for when taking a tour of a house?

Realtors usually try to show you the parts of the house they want you to see. Make sure you ask them about the air conditioning and heating systems. How old are they? How much energy do they consume during peak months?
Outside, take a look at the landscaping. Are there native plants? Do they require a lot of water? Is there a sprinkler system? If there is, make sure you check for leaks.

If you get the opportunity, ask the previous owners if you can take a peek at their utility bills. How much water and electricity does the house consume on a daily, monthly, annual basis?
Although going green is always easier when you’re starting from the ground up and building your own home, you can always make upgrades to greatly increase an older home’s energy efficiency, not to mention your property’s overall value.

What upgrades can I make if I do decide to buy a less-than-efficient house?

Tons! Here’s a quick breakdown of the easiest do-it-yourself upgrades you can make, but trust me, there are many more:
-      Replace old windows with energy-efficient versions.
-      Using duct tape, seal air leaks around doors and windows.
-      While you have the tape, grab a ladder and seal the air ducts too.
-       Add more insulation.
-      Swap out water-thirsty plants in the yard with ones that require as little water as possible. Cactuses are nice and prickly.
-   Install barrels to collect rain runoff. The water can be used to irrigate your landscape and lawn, so you won’t have to use the hose.
-      Replace incandescent light bulbs with more efficient fluorescents.
-      Check the EPA's Energy Star rating and replace your old appliances. Go ahead, you deserve it! Throw out that old coffee maker. Better yet, donate it. Then go out and buy yourself something nice. Spend a little now, save a lot later…

What’s the most important piece of advice you can offer an energy novice like me?

Stayed informed! Watch the news. Read. Instead of wasting time online with mindless games, Google your environmental and energy questions. Stay inquisitive. Check out the EPA's Energy Star website, EnergyStar.gov. Get acquainted with calculators and other useful tools that can help you manage your carbon footprint.

For example, you might not think of your home as a carbon-emitting source, but it is! It’s a major contributor, in fact. The energy you use for cooling, heating, lighting, and general power are, more likely than not, connected to a dirty main source. A coal-burning facility. A nuclear power plant.

To start, visit nrglab.asia. We’ve got a slew of green energy projects in development that are sure to change the way the world looks at energy. Waste-to-fuel gasification. The polycrystalline SH-Box generator.

The future of energy independence is coming. We’re ushering it in. 

Sh-box generator, EPA's Energy Star rating, nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab сингапур, nrglab singapore, anastasia samoylova nrglab, ana shell, annie j, alternative energy, cheap electricity ]

Wednesday, August 7, 2013




将您的恒温器设为华氏 78° (约25 C°)。这样,就只需要消耗少量的能源,您就能在漫长而闷热的夏季得到舒适的温度,毋庸置疑,这会为您节约一大笔钱。












从英文版翻译而来。原文于2013 228http://annie65j.blogspot.com/2013/07/cut-costs-and-energy-consumption-in-10.html

[ 能源消耗, 全球变暖, 政府, 新技术, NRGLab 项目, NRGLab推出的SH-box, nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab singapore, nrglab сингапур, research council nrglab ]

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Semua Demi Perubahan

Mereka yang memilih bermain aman tidak akan membuat sejarah.  Mereka yang berani mengambil risiko, yang mempertaruhkan segalanya untuk sebuah ide yang menentang kemapanan – merekalah yang akan menorehkan sejarah. Mereka membentuk dunia agar sesuai dengan visi yang mereka miliki. Mereka selalu bertanya: “Mengapa? Bagaimana mungkin? Bagaimana kalau…”  Ini adalah tipe orang yang berjuang untuk menentang apa yang dikatakan orang di seluruh dunia salah, karena jauh di lubuk hati, mereka menyakini bahwa itulah sebenarnya yang dibutuhkan dunia.

Orang-orang seperti Martin Cooper. Di tahun 1970-an, mantan petinggi Motorola memaksa perusahaannya untuk mengembangkan telepon bergerak yang digenggam di tangan. Saat itu, Bell Labs memonopoli pasar dengan perangkat mobil mereka, dan kebanyakan orang berpikir pengembangan telepon bergerak yang paling jauh, ya, seperti itu. Telepon mobil selalu membutuhkan baterai besar. Juga memerlukan kabel. Karena itulah, mobil kelihatannya menjadi tempat yang paling pas untuk telepon. Selain itu, siapa pula yang pernah berpikir kalau mereka bisa memesan pizza ketika dalam perjalanan untuk mengambilnya? Tak seorang pun! Jadi, “yes” untuk telepon mobil! 

Tapi Martin Cooper melihat sesuatu yang berbeda. Yang lebih baik. Dia melihat dunia di mana orang-orang mempunyai telepon di saku mereka masing-masing. Jadinya orang selalu bisa bertelepon sambil berjalan.  Cooper lalu memutuskan untuk nekad mengambil risiko. Dia menginvestasikan masa depan Motorola untuk mengembangkan telepon seluler, sekalipun bagi sebagian besar orang itu adalah ide gila, dan mustahil untuk diwujudkan. (Awalnya, dia mencoba memadatkan peralatan seberat 13.61 kg menjadi hanya perangkat seberat 0.91 kg – bukan tugas yang mudah).

Akhirnya, pada 3 April 1973, Cooper berjalan-jalan ke Manhattan dan menelepon rivalnya CEO Bell Labs. Percakapan mereka singkat saja, namun menandakan awal revolusi seluler. Kurang dari setengah abad kemudian, kita memakai teleponnya Cooper dan mencari tahu bagaimana cara menambahkan kamera. Kalender. Pemutar musik. Sistem video game. Kita hidup di era koneksi nirbatas. Era breaking news. Tweet dan tag. Semua diawali dengan seorang laki-laki yang ingin mengambil risiko demi mewujudkan visinya akan apa yang mungkin.

Well, kami tidak hanya mempunyai seorang laki-laki atau perempuan saja yang bekerja dengan kami di Dewan Riset NRGLab.  Kami memiliki tim yang mempunyai mimpi, dan mimpi itu termasuk kebebasan memiliki energi bersih, tagihan listrik murah, dan kestabilan sosio-ekonomi. Kami bertekad menjadi bab baru yang memastikan sejarah umat manusia terus berjalan baik hingga ke masa depan. Kami bersedia mengambil risiko itu semua karena kami yakin kami benar.

Oleh Alex K

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 10 Juli http://annie65j.blogspot.com/2013/07/all-in-for-change.html

Martin Cooper, CEO Bell Labs, Manhattan, listrik indonesia, listrik murah, proyek nrglab, pemanasan global, research council nrglab, sh-box, nrglab, nrglab singapore ]