Sunday, September 29, 2013

Energy protests in Argentina grow violent

Protests in Argentina are intensifying after YPF, a state-controlled energy company, and international oil conglomerate Chevron came to terms on a $1.2 billion development deal. Over 5,000 anti-fracking activists took to the streets, blocking a YPF power plant and forcing authorities to fire rubber bullets into the crowd.  

The protests are a manifestation of differing opinions on how Argentina should best develop the Vaca Meurta,  one of the world’s largest deposits of nonconventional hydrocarbon. Citizens have fought against mining projects, backed by foreign private equity, in the past. But these fights arise “one after the other,” claims Juan Carlos Villalonga, president of the environmental organization Los Verdes. “From protests against nuclear power to hydroelectric dams. [And] because of its energy deficit, the government is desperate. So it is moving hurriedly with a minimum of consensus, detonating conflicts."

President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has failed to outline a clear-cut, long-term plan for the nation’s energy infrastructure, and as a result, the population is struggling to trust the government. Now that Argentina needs an influx of $37 billion over the next five years in order to develop the Vaca Muerta, the question is: will their unhappy citizens pony up the cash? Or will the government be forced to seek foreign private equity?

Argentinian provinces, not the state, own the rights to oil and gas deposits on their land. Politicians actually had to pass legislation allowing YPF to explore the Vaca Muerta. The Chevron pact includes the opening 115 new fracking operations – without requiring provincial approval. 

Fracking is the controversial new method of extracting natural gas from shale. Environmentalists are up in arms about the potential long-term effects of pumping thousands of gallons of undisclosed chemicals into the ground. Villalonga and even some of President Kirchner’s supporters have criticized her for her lack of "environmental conscience." 

“[Latin American] governments that are considered progressive have taken on a passive role as exporters of nature,” says Enrique Viale, a prominent Argentinian lawyer who specializes in environmental law. “We’ve gone from the Washington Consensus to the commodities consensus.”

Argentina’s economy has been expanding at an average annual rate of 7.2% over the past decade. Now, how is the government going to meet the public’s increased energy demands? 

Well, relying on one source of energy might not do the trick – but a balance of different renewables and ideas might. That’s why NRGLab has assembled the perfect team of experts from a variety of environmental, economic, political, and energy backgrounds. We share one goal: ensure a greener future for all mankind. 

We’ve invested years and millions of dollars into developing a slate of innovative energy projects. From the gasification of biofuels like rice and agricultural waste, to portable electrical generators powered by polycrystalline cores, we offer a range of solutions for the range of today’s problems.  

For more information on the SV-Turbine, the  SH-Box, or any number of NRGLab’s other energy projects, visit our website at 

Join us in ensuring a greener future. Your descendants will thank you. 

[ energy protests, energy protests Argentina, YPF Argentina, YPF power plant, Juan Carlos Villalonga, Los Verdes, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Vaca Muerta, nrglab, sh-box, annie j ]

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Memahami Gasifikasi dan Daur Ulang Energi

NRGLab memiliki satu tujuan: menciptakan masa depan yang lebih baik bagi seluruh umat manusia. Salah satu cara mencapainya adalah dengan merevolusi industri energi. Saat ini, kita sedang mengembangkan sejumlah proyek-proyek ramah lingkungan yang cerdas secara ekonomi, yang mungkin merupakan teknologi gasifikasi baru kami yang paling menjanjikan.

Pabrik gasifikasi kami mendaur ulang sampah sekaligus memperoleh energi secara lebih efisien dan pada skala yang lebih besar daripada teknologi konversi yang setara lainnya.

Sejujurnya - daur ulang sampah layak dipertimbangkan! Mengapa kita mengandalkan sumber daya yang terbatas, atau sumber daya alternatif yang tidak dapat diandalkan seperti angin dan matahari, bukan melihat kebiasaan boros kita sendiri?

Gasifikasi tidak hanya serbaguna - ini adalah kekuatan yang harus diperhitungkan! Gasifikasi mampu memproses limbah pertanian, beras, dan gas alam menjadi sesuatu yang bisa digunakan di masa depan, prosesnya tanpa membuang energi potensial sedikit pun.

Biasanya, energi dalam limbah dibuang dengan cara dipendam, atau dibakar, sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan besar terhadap lingkungan karena menghasilkan bahan-bahan berbahaya yang bisa mencemari air dan lebih banyak gas rumah kaca yang dapat meracuni atmosfer kita. Teknologi gasifikasi kami memanfaatkan limbah ini dan bukan hanya membuangnya ke pembuangan (sampah)!

Selain itu, teknologi gasifikasi kami akan mengurangi ketergantungan kita pada keterbatasan cadangan bahan bakar fosil planet kita.

Sebuah kesalahpahaman umum adalah bahwa daur ulang energi hanyalah membakar sampah. Salah, salah, salah! Gasifikasi adalah proses yang sama sekali berbeda. Reaksi kimia pada  tingkat molekul menyebabkan bahan menguap menjadi gas, sehingga emisi karbon sedikit.

Kesalahpahaman lain yang umum adalah bahwa gasifikasi tidak mendukung daur ulang. Lagi - salah, salah, salah! Inisiatif daur ulang lokal meningkatkan kesadaran konsumsi dan semangat komunitas, dan benar-benar memilah bahan yang tidak diinginkan sebelum gasifikasi.

NRGLab berada digaris depan teknologi energi ramah lingkungan. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, kunjungi website kami di

Karena masa depan tidak ada yang tahu. Bersama-sama kita dapat memastikan hari esok yang lebih baik. Untuk anak-anak kita. Dan anak-anak mereka. Semuanya dimulai dengan proyek terbarukan seperti gasifikasi.

Semoga sekarang Anda dapat sedikit lebih baik memahami energi daur ulang!

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 30 Juli:

Daur Ulang Energi, Gasifikasi, nrglab, gasification, gasification nrglab, ana shell nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab singapore, proyek nrglab ]

Wednesday, September 18, 2013








“我们进行的系统性回顾显示,志愿活动与改善心理健康之间存在着联系,但是,要弄清志愿活动是否是真正的原因,还需要进行更多的工作,”此项研究的首席研究员Suzanne Richards医生说道。“首先,往往与更好的健康状况和生存条件相联系的生物和文化因素以及社会资源,是否也与参与志愿活动的意愿有联系,这一点目前尚不清楚。”

多年来,NRGLab一直致力于开发将让数百万民众“回到”世界的技术。从便携式无碳SH-Box (多晶体发电机)到创新的气化用SV-Turbine,绿色能源革命将会赢得巨大的成功。问题在于:当第一枚炸弹落下的时候,您将见证什么?


[ 志愿, 全球变暖, 政府, 新技术, 能源消耗, NRGLab 项目, NRGLab推出的SH-box, Suzanne Richards, SV-Turbine, nrglab, nrglab singapore ]

从英文版翻译而来。原文于9 月1日,

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

UN presents Sustainable Energy for All initiative

You might be shocked to learn that 1.3 billion people on this planet still live without access to electricity. Another 2.7 billion still cook their food over open fires – fires that spew carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Of these “off-the-gridders,” approximately 95% reside in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
So, what can we do?

The United Nations is recommitting to universal energy with its most recent initiative, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All), and over 70 countries have already joined! Goals include doubling renewable energy and energy efficiency by 2030. But are these goals lofty enough?

Climate experts have warned that if surface temperatures continue to rise at their current rates, 2030 will be too late. By then, we might already be engulfed in another ice age. Or drowned in new oceans. Or poisoned by too much carbon dioxide in the air.

Twenty years also happens to be a long, long time for the underprivileged in Asia and Africa to wait to join the rest of the 21st century. They need electricity to light and heat their homes. To power their schools and hospitals. To protect their crops. To keep businesses opens.   

In order to reach their goals, the International Energy Agency claims that 90% of new electricity will have to be produced via decentralized, renewable sources.

Basically – going off-grid can save the world, if done properly.

Past failures can mainly be attributed to poor business planning, such as oversight concerning indigenous training and maintenance costs for green energy projects that, sometimes, can take years to implement properly. Or, projects have targeted one demographic of the population and scaled it up for the global market without considering the varied needs of people who live in very different environments, climates, etc.
The SE4All initiative admits there’s no single approach to providing the underprivileged with reliable access to electricity. First, you have to understand the native culture and socio-political landscape. Some tribes refuse to use stoves since it gives the food a strange new taste.

It’s going to take a lot to ensure SE4All and other future energy initiatives are successful. Luckily, NRGLab has spent years strategizing with today’s top minds on how best to meet the needs of the many. With a diverse slate of projects – from the carbon-free, portable SH-Box generator, to the SV-Turbine for biomass gasification – NRGLab wants to ensure a greener future. A better tomorrow.

For more information, visit 

[ sustainable energy, access to electricity, carbon emissions, International Energy Agency, SE4All, SV-Turbine, nrglab, nrglab ash-box, alternative energy, UN, The United Nations ]

Monday, September 16, 2013

Understanding gasification and energy recycling

NRGLab has one goal: create a better future for all of mankind. One way we intend on achieving this is by revolutionizing the energy industry. Right now, we’re developing a number of economically smart, eco-friendly projects, the most promising of which might be our new gasification technology.

Our gasification plants recycle waste while recovering energy more efficiently and on a grander scale than comparable conversion technologies.

Honestly – waste recycling just makes sense! Why are we relying on limited resources, or unreliable alternatives like wind and solar, instead of looking at our own wasteful habits?

Gasification is not only versatile – it’s a force to be reckoned with! Capable of processing agricultural waste, rice, and natural gas into useable future, our process doesn’t waste a single drop of energy potential.

Usually, the energy in waste is discarded. It’s buried, or burned, which causes tremendous harm to the environment.  That’s hazardous material that could be contaminating our water. More greenhouse gases that could be poisoning our atmosphere.  Our gasification technology utilizes this waste instead of just, well - letting it go to waste (pun intended)!

Additionally, our gasification technology will reduce our dependence on our planet’s limited reserve of fossil fuels.

One common misconception is that energy recycling is nothing but incinerating trash. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Gasification is an entirely different process. Chemical reactions at the molecular level cause matter to evaporate into gas, resulting in few carbon emissions.

Another common misconception is that gasification cuts back on recycling. Again – wrong, wrong, wrong! Local recycling initiatives promote consumption awareness and community spirit, and actually filter out unwanted materials prior to gasification.

NRGLab stands at the forefront of green energy technology. To learn more, visit our website at

Because the future is unwritten. Together we can ensure a better tomorrow. For our children. And their children. It all starts with renewable projects like gasification.

Hopefully you understand energy recycling a little bit better now! 

[ gasification, gasification nrglab, gasification plant, energy recycling, nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab singapore, ana shell, ana shell nrglab, annie j ]

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Menjadi sukarelawan dapat memperpanjang hidup Anda dan planet ini!

Ada orang menjadi sukarelawan karena mereka memiliki hati mulia. Sementara yang lain menjadi relawan untuk terlihat baik di mata orang lain. Dan ada juga yang terpaksa untuk bekerja karena perintah pengadilan. Namun, menurut sebuah penelitian terbaru yang dipublikasikan dalam Jurnal  kesehatan publik BMC , menjadi seorang sukarelawan benar-benar dapat membuat Anda panjang umur!

Para peneliti di Universitas Exeter mengkaji puluhan makalah akademik dan menemukan bahwa subjek yang menjadi relawan di waktu luang mereka, mempunyai kemungkinan untuk meninggal dalam 4-7 tahun ke depan seperlima lebih kecil daripada rata-rata orang lainnya. Mereka menilai bahwa perasaan depresi mereka juga  tergolong rendah, dan mengklaim bahwa mereka lebih menikmati hidup secara keseluruhan.

Jadi, periksalah koran lokal Anda. Kerjakan PR Anda. Lihat apakah ada organisasi yang bisa Anda ikuti. Lebih baik lagi - jika Anda tidak menemukan sebuah organisasi yang sesuai dengan gaya Anda, buatlah sendiri! Keluarlah dan buat perbedaan.

Menjadi sukarelawan bukan berarti melakukan kunjungan ke rumah sakit saja. Anda bisa berada di luar ruangan, menikmati udara segar dan sinar matahari sambil memungut sampah misalnya. Atau, mulailah dengan membuat kompos. Membuat kebun masyarakat. Membuat taman Anda sendiri. Anda tidak memiliki halaman? Cobalah tanam sendiri tomat di sebuah pot dan taruh di ambang jendela (Anda merasakan sendiri kalau rasanya jauh lebih enak daripada  tomat yang Anda beli di toko!). Ada banyak proyek sadar lingkungan yang bisa Anda ikuti. Berhentilah  membuang-buang waktu menonton acara TV untuk keseribu kalinya. Sudah waktunya untuk berubah.

Tua, muda - tidak masalah! Menjadi sukarelawan berarti mencoba untuk membuat diri Anda menjadi orang yang lebih baik. Dan, sementara Anda mencoba membuat diri menjadi lebih baik, mengapa tidak sekalian membuat bumi ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik juga? Menjadi sukarelawan itu baik karena membuat Anda aktif secara sosial, aktif berpikir, dan berolahraga. Bahkan dapat mengurangi tekanan darah! Penelitian BMC menunjukkan korelasi yang jelas antara siswa SMU dan kesehatan kardiovaskular yang lebih baik.

Diperkirakan bahwa 36% dari penduduk di Australia mendedikasikan setidaknya sebagian waktu luang mereka untuk menjadi sukarelawan, dibandingkan dengan 27%  di Amerika, dan 22,5% di Eropa. Dan angka-angka tersebut perlu terus meningkat!

"Review sistematis kami menunjukkan bahwa menjadi sukarelawan berkaitan dengan peningkatan kesehatan mental, tetapi dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menentukan apakah benar menjadi relawan adalah penyebabnya," kata Dr Suzanne Richards, kepala peneliti penelitian tersebut. " Masih belum jelas juga apakah faktor-faktor biologis dan budaya, dan sumber daya sosial yang sering dikaitkan dengan kesehatan yang lebih baik serta kelangsungan hidup juga terkait dengan kesediaan untuk menjadi sukarelawan."

NRGLab telah bertahun-tahun mendedikasikan diri untuk mengembangkan teknologi yang akan "memberi kembali" kepada jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Dari generator portabel SH-Box yang bebas karbon sampai ke  Turbin-SV inovatif untuk gasifikasi, revolusi energi hijau akan mencetak kemenangan besar. ertanyaannya adalah: di pihak mana Anda akan berdiri ketika bom pertama jatuh?

Untuk menunjukkan dukungan Anda untuk esok yang lebih baik - masa depan yang lebih hijau - ikuti kami di Facebook  atau kunjungi

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 1 September

[ Menjadi sukarelawan, sukarelawan, listrik indonesia, listrik murah, nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab singapore, nrglab сингапур, sh-box, saving energy ]

Wednesday, September 4, 2013








[ 全球变暖, 政府, 新技术, 能源消耗, nrglab, nrglab pte ltd, nrglab сингапур, nrglab singapore, NRGLab 项目, NRGLab推出的SH-box, sh-box, annie j, ana shell ]

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Volunteering can add years to your life and the planet’s!

Some people volunteer because they have great big hearts. Others volunteer to look good. Some are forced to work off a court-ordered sentence. But, according to a recent study published in the BMC Public Health journal, volunteering can actually ensure you live longer!

Researchers at the University of Exeter reviewed dozens of academic papers and discovered that subjects who volunteered in their free time were a fifth less likely to die within the next four to seven years than the average person. They also rated their feelings of depression lower, while claiming to enjoy a greater overall quality of life.

So check your local newspaper. Do your homework. See what organizations you can get involved with. Better yet – if you don’t find an organization that suits your style, start your own! Then get out there and make a difference.

Volunteering isn’t relegated to hospital visits, either. You can be outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine while picking up litter, for instance. Or, start a compost heap. Start a community garden. Start your own garden. Don’t have a yard? Try growing your own pot of tomatoes on the windowsill (You’ll see how much better they taste than the ones you buy at the store!). There are tons of environmentally conscious projects you can get involved with. Stop wasting time watching that TV show for the millionth time. It’s time for a change.

Old, young – doesn’t matter! Volunteering is about trying to make yourself a better person. And while you’re at it, why not make the Earth a better place, too? Volunteering is great because it keeps you socially active, thinking, and exercising. It even reduces blood pressure! The BMC’s study showed a distinct correlation between High School students and improved cardiovascular health.
It’s estimated that 36% of people in Australia dedicate at least some portion of their free time to volunteering, compared to 27% in America and 22.5% in Europe. Those numbers need to go up!

“Our systematic review shows that volunteering is associated with improvements in mental health, but more work is needed to establish whether volunteering is actually the cause,” says Dr. Suzanne Richards, the study’s head researcher. "It’s still unclear whether biological and cultural factors and social resources that are often associated with better health and survival are also associated with a willingness to volunteer in the first place."

NRGLab has dedicated years to developing technology that will “give back” to millions of people around the world. From the portable, carbon-free SH-Box generator to the innovative SV-Turbine for gasification, the green energy revolution is about to score a major victory. The question is: what sideline will you be standing on when the first bomb drops?

To show your support for a better tomorrow – a greener future – follow us on Facebook or visit

BMC Public Health journal, University of Exeter, Dr. Suzanne Richards, SV-Turbine, SH-Box generator, nrglab, nrglab singapore, nrglab pte ltd ]